A technician's ability to "spin a wrench" is directly related to the Parts Department's ability to provide IMMEDIATE off the shelf availability of parts. Fill Rate measures that. Fill Rate to the shop should reach at least 90% As off the shelf availability of parts goes up:
Technician Productivity and Efficiency Go Up
Profitability Goes Up
Loaner Car Days Go Down
Special Orders Decrease
Fixed Right, First Time Increases
Fill Rate of Parts to the Shop
Frozen Capital
Frozen Capital are those parts that are not profitable for the dealership. They are a combination of Non-Stock (NS) coded parts and Auto Phase Out (AP) coded parts and should represent less than 5% of the dealership's total investment in parts inventory. Causes of high Frozen Capital include:
Poor Return Processes to the Manufacturer
Uncontrolled returns from Wholesale Accounts
Unmonitored returns from the Shop
Poor Special Order Controls
Days of Supply has been a measure of Parts Inventory performance for many years. However, this calculation contains parts that are not actually selling or are not longer in inventory:
Unsold, Uninstalled Special Orders
Work In Process
Returns to the Manufacturer
Selling Days of Supply represents the value of inventory on the shelf that is actually selling. It is a more realistic measure of Parts Inventory performance.
Selling Days of Supply
Dealership CSI®, Economic Stocking Policy by Movement® and ESPM® are all registered trademarks of Dealership Consulting Services, Inc. All rights reserved. United States Patent and Trademark Office ser. no. 78,397,033, 78,397,051, and 78,397,066